Héma-Québec launches an urgent appeal for blood donations from groups O+, O-and B-

(Montreal) Héma-Québec is launching an “urgent” appeal to people belonging to blood groups O+, O- and B+ who would be ready to donate blood, because its reserves have deteriorated in recent weeks.

In a press release published Thursday morning, Héma-Québec explained that the arrival of good weather has pushed many donors to cancel their appointments.

If its reserve generally remains in good condition, the needs are more pressing for certain blood groups.

“A marked drop in the achievement of objectives in blood collections in various regions in recent weeks leads Héma-Québec to launch an urgent appeal to people belonging to blood groups O “and O-, as well as to people belonging to group B-, which is rarer,” we mentioned.

In this context, Héma-Québec will be more flexible towards donors, particularly those from targeted groups. We could receive them even if they have not made an appointment beforehand, for example.

Nationally, according to 2023 data, 36% of the population belongs to the O+ group, while 7% of the population belongs to the O- group, recognized as the “universal donor”. Group B concerns 1.5% of the population.

Also, Héma-Québec extends a pole towards people who have never donated blood, emphasizing that the experience is “simple and quick” and that it “leads to an immense feeling of pride”.

“As summer approaches, a season when many Quebecers go on vacation, it is important for Héma-Québec to remember that the blood reserve is based on a system of generosity and self-donation. We must therefore never give up, because maintaining our blood supply is constant work. Every donation counts to save lives,” we recalled.

Héma-Québec must collect an average of 1,000 blood donations every day to meet needs.

It is possible to make an appointment to donate blood at jedonne.hema-quebec.qc.ca or by calling 1800 343-7264. It is also possible to check eligibility by consulting the Héma-Québec website.

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