Helping loved ones who are losing their autonomy thanks to the communities of caregivers

Bonjour Fred is an online media, a community that uses free support courses to facilitate the daily lives of family caregivers (the “Freds”).

In France, around 8 to 11 million people support a loved one who is losing their autonomy every day. Administrative problems, financial worries, family tensions… All carers are faced with a host of obstacles of all kinds.

Hello Fred, this is a project launched by Alphonse“a startup of the social and solidarity economy, in partnership with the social protection group Malakoff Humanis to surround caregivers”.

The 60,000 “Freds” – caregivers to date are part of the community – exchange good practices and advice on a daily basis on dedicated Facebook groups. The solutions put forward by the media are concrete, inexpensive and easy to implement.

“By launching Bonjour Fred, we didn’t think that we were going to create, in such a short time, a very tight-knit community. Hundreds of comments appear immediately, a real strength when you go through a test”, explains Thibault Bastin, one of the co-founders of Alphonse and promoter of the Bonjour Fred project.

Surround yourself to take a break, adapt daily life at home and find a suitable place to live. These three support pathways for caregivers decipher the aids and devices that exist, to pass the baton, help your loved one to live in the best conditions or even find a suitable place to live.

These courses surround the helper for 3 weeks through emails containing testimonials, concrete solutions to put in place (exercises, state aid, companies to turn to for delegation). The opinion of an expert, psychologist, neurologist or sociologist is also included in the comments of the community.

For 5 years, Alphonse has been offering concrete solutions to enable everyone to enjoy their retirement. But the life of a retiree often rhymes with “helping”. Among the people the company supports each year, many are those who help a loved one on a daily basis.

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