Héloïse Weiner (large families) pregnant: the sex of her baby and the reaction of the children revealed

One of the tribes of Large Families (TF1) will soon be growing. One of the mothers is currently pregnant. And this Wednesday, February 2, 2022, she finally revealed the sex of her baby, on Instagram news feed.

Heloïse Weiner and Mathias are happy parents. They are at the head of a tribe of seven children made up of William (9 years old), Ezra (8 years old), Noah (6 years old), Eden (5 years old), Iris (3 years old) and Oscar (1 year old). And soon, a new child will come to bring them even more happiness. The beautiful brunette is currently pregnant. And since that day, Internet users know if she is expecting a little girl or a little boy. “And it’s the girls’ team that’s growing ! That’s what most of you voted for and it was also what we thought at the start of the pregnancy! Everyone is delighted, especially Eden who dreamed of a little sister... Just waiting for her to arrive, she will be well received“, she wrote.

To illustrate her legend, Héloïse posed smiling, with her two daughters raising their arms in a sign of joy. A tender publication which has earned him many messages of congratulations.

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