Hells in troubled waters

Like the Montreal mafia, the Hells Angels are going through a turbulent zone when their two main leaders were conspicuous by their absence two weeks ago during a public rally where the participation of all bikers was nevertheless compulsory.

• Read also: Organized crime: the police invite themselves to another big name of the Hells Angels

It was without Martin Robert and Stéphane Plouffe that the 80 Quebec members of the Hells made their first official motorcycle outing of the year and celebrated in Sorel-Tracy, from May 5 to 7, learned the QMI Agency and our Office. of investigation.

The absence of the two well-known motorcyclists did not go unnoticed, both the policemen at the roadblocks who checked the identity of all the participants in the event called the FirstRun, than Hells.

All members wearing the jacket of the angels of hell, adorned with the famous winged skull, are required to participate in this activity where they appear in public, under the worldwide regulations of the band which celebrates this year its 75th anniversary of foundation.

  • Listen to the various facts chronicle of Maxime Deland, journalist at the microphone of Benoit Dutrizac via QUB-radio :

Police pressure

Martin Robert, known for his lavish wedding in a ballroom in downtown Montreal in December 2018, is considered by authorities to be the most influential member of the Hells in Quebec, if not in Canada.

Stéphane Plouffe, the celebrant of these weddings, is not only listed by the police as one of the three most powerful Hells, but also among the most important actors in Quebec organized crime.

According to our sources, they had not traveled abroad during the rally and would still be in Quebec.

But the two former Death Riders biker colors have found themselves in troubled waters for two months.

Robert and Plouffe are among a group of four Hells from the Montreal chapter to be targeted in a major drug investigation by the National Organized Crime Squad (ENRCO), which conducted searches in their luxurious residences on March 29. .

The Rizzuto Affair

Additionally, the Hells top-flight duo are said to be close to notorious mafioso Francesco Del Balso, whom police suspect to have ordered the murder attempt in which co-mafia boss Leonardo Rizzuto was injured. by gunshot, March 15 in Laval.

Robert and Plouffe are not targeted in this investigation, but sources from the Bureau of Investigation describe their business ties with Del Balso as “radioactive”.

“This story does not sit well with many other Hells Angels. It creates discontent internally and it makes the club look bad, ”told us a police source well connected to the underworld.

Del Balso’s head is the subject of a murder contract worth $250,000. According to the police thesis, this specialist in extortion and illegal sports betting was able to order the attack on Rizzuto in retaliation for a shooting from which he himself emerged unscathed, in November 2022.

The police arrested him and confiscated his passport on March 23, at Trudeau airport, when this ex-lieutenant of the Rizzuto clan was trying to clear off for Europe.

– With Felix Seguin

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