hell for women victims of rape and assault by Russian soldiers

They cut their hair, no longer wear makeup… The women of Ivankiv, in the north-west of Ukraine, go into hiding to escape the rapes and assaults of Russian soldiers. We also take stock of the “New popular and social union” of the left for the legislative elections. And then, far from these concerns, the stars are preparing to shine on the Met Gala red carpet.

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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, many women have fled their country, with their children. Some Ukrainians, however, stayed put and are far from safe. They fight against the violence of some Russian soldiers to escape rape and assault. Se cut their hair close, dress like homeless people or hide in basements for protection… Farida Nouar, reporter for France Info, tells us how these women try to escape the worst.

In France, a “historic agreement” was found on the left, between LFI and EELV for the legislative elections. The discussions with the Communist Party and the Socialist Party are still continuing, at the time when we are recording this episode of the Quarter Hour. Unthinkable negotiations a few months ago, but the arrival of Jean-Luc Mélanchon in 3rd position in the first round of the presidential election is not for nothing. We have the impression that the leader of La France insoumise blows hot and cold on the left.

Nicknamed the Oscars of fashion, the MET Gala takes place tonight in New York. The opportunity for singers, actors and other celebrities to show off their best outfit, often extravagant and sometimes even politically committed. The dress code for this edition: “Golden glamor and white tie”. Something to inspire the “people”.

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