Hélène Ségara sick and in pain: this very moving video sequence unveiled for her return to TV

The 17th season of France has an unbelievable talent started on M6 on October 18, 2022, enough to delight the public as much as the host Karine Le Marchand and the jurors Eric Antoine, Sugar Sammy, Marianne James and Hélène Ségara. The latter particularly attracted attention from the start of the show. Indeed, the presenter wanted to pay a special tribute to the presence of the singer: “Until the last moment, we weren’t sure that your health would allow it…“Words that moved the main interested party, who thanked the host of the show, to the warm applause of the audience.

Indeed, in the pages of TV 2 weeksKarine Le Marchand spoke about the state of health of the 51-year-old interpreter: “It was good to say it. Hélène never complains. The treatment she is undergoing is difficult. She went through personal trials. It’s good to say it too, for all those who have health problems.“Marianne James had explained in TV 7 days : “I support her as best I can with her health issues. What she is experiencing today makes her suffer terribly, physically and morally.

Touched by the support of her colleagues, the one to whom we owe the unforgettable duet with Andrea Boccelli, Vivo per leihad nevertheless made a point of recalling in TV 2 weeks not wanting to be reduced to one’s health: “I answered with the most elegance possible, I hate feeling sorry for myself. Let’s move on ! Participating in this show is such a moment of happiness that it boosted me. I may be tired, but I manage to get on stage because the public gives me this joy!

Mother of three children – Matteo, 19, and Maya, 18, born from her marriage to Mathieu Lecat and “Raf”, born from a previous relationship – Hélène Ségara had not been spared against the grossophobic attacks in July last in the show who can beat us. Suffering from optic neuritis due to an autoimmune disease, she undergoes heavy treatment with cortisone, a drug that can affect physical appearance.

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