Hélène Ségara: One of the terrible consequences of her illness revealed

On October 18, M6 kicked offAmazing talent 2022. The first show was particularly marked by the incredible performance of Rayane, a 15-year-old young man who overwhelmed all the members of the jury, and in particular Hélène Ségara who used her Golden Buzzer, thus propelling him directly into the final. On October 25, viewers will discover the second issue. And, during the broadcast, the interpreter ofThere are too many people who love you has made a revelation in regards to his illness as seen previewed on Salto.

Hélène Ségara suffers from optic neuritis (neurological damage caused by inflammation of the optic nerve) due to an autoimmune disease. She is therefore forced to follow a heavy treatment with cortisone, a drug that can affect physical appearance. This ailment that gnaws at her naturally leads to vision problems. Like the fact of not seeing in 3D as she confided during the second prime ofAmazing talent.

A magical performance

During this filming, Sugar Sammy, Eric Antoine, Marianne James and Hélène Ségara notably faced a young woman disguised as an astronaut who offers with other people an Antigravity Show (the name of the company). Around her evolve impressive decorations on a black background in which she stages herself sometimes with her feet on the ground, sometimes suspended in the air. The public thus has the impression of being in a kind of 3D decoration. “It’s great, it’s well done“, launched Marianne James during the performance. She is not the only one to have been impressed by this complex practice. “Felt like stepping into PlayStation 12, the thing that doesn’t exist yet“, confided the magician and humorist; And Hélène Ségara to continue: “I agree with my friend. What I must say is that apart from the mapping which is sublime and all the work that is done, what really amazed me is also the way you move and you move. For a show a very long time ago, I was harnessed because I was hung every night like an Esmeralda. And being harnessed at 11 meters, I’ve never been able to move 1 tenth of what you’re moving. It’s incredible. I took full the peepers.

And her peepers, she had the impression during the time of a performance that they were no longer eaten away by her optic neuritis. “Me, it’s been some time, with my eyes, that I no longer have 3D. And there, for a moment, I felt like I had found her. So for this gift, thank you“, she concluded. But her illness was unfortunately still present, a suffering mentioned by the presenter Karine Le Marchand during the launch.

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