Hélène Ségara clashed on her physique: “heavy and complex treatments”, she reacts to comments

Monday July 25, 2022, M6 viewers were able to find singer Hélène Ségara on the show Who can beat us? hosted by Éric Antoine. And, as is now customary when she appears on a show, her physique has been widely commented on on social networks. The 51-year-old star knows her body has changed over the years due to her illness, and many still laugh.

Annoyed but visibly accustomed, Hélène Ségara still responded to mockery and criticism of her appearance, upset by taking medication. “Obviously and as I expected, the comments about me on social networks are gratuitous and mean. It’s true, a year of heavy treatments have changed me and given me a lot of complexes. I can’t help it, unfortunately. Apart from fighting to keep smiling… Thank you to all those who know and come to defend me“, wrote the interpreter of the tubes Her you love her, love is a sun or There are too many people who love you in the story from his Instagram account.

With this message, Hélène Ségara – who released a new album entitled Karma and has planned several concert dates throughout France – therefore refers to the disease from which she has suffered for a few years now. Indeed, as early as 2013, the star had revealed to suffer from an eye problem impacting his vision. Since then, while she was the guinea pig of an experimental treatment, no miracle cure has come to cure this form of autoimmune disease. She has to change an eye implant frequently and she is on cortisone. A product that inevitably swells and therefore gives a different appearance. The star, who however at the same time went on a diet and displays a size 36, does not know if she will one day be able to do without medication to treat her eye.

In this event, Hélène Ségara can count on the love of her public but also and above all on that of her discreet husband, Mathieu Lecat.

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