Hélène S. confides that she was raped by her father for 13 years!

“My life is over, I am fighting for my children. A pedophile is in the nature” : these appalling words are those of Hélène, now 34 years old and who claims to have been sexually abused by her father for 13 years, from her 8 to her 21 years. This Lorientaise, now a piano teacher, filed a first complaint only in 2019, pushed by her husband. According to a source close to the investigation, the parents of the complainant, belonging to Jehovah’s Witnesses, were placed in police custody on May 3 for 24 hours, then left free. A preliminary investigation has been opened and is still ongoing, according to the Lorient prosecutor’s office.. To speed up the procedures and ensure that an investigating judge is appointed, Hélène filed a civil action in December 2021, reveals Le Figaro. “We go from a passive situation to a situation where we are in action”welcomes lawyer Karine Shebabo to our colleagues.

Hélène S. says that her father would have forced her into anal penetrations “as soon as he could“.”My father liked young girls, it turned him on.” explain to Figaro the one who says she experienced her first rape at the age of 8 after her mother asked her to spend the night with her father. Because yes, the alleged victim also implicates his mother. Indeed, the latter would have “many times” asked her to sleep with her husband, calling her “stuck” when she complained about the sexual abuse of her father, according to the complaint. La Lorientaise asserts that a “perversity scale” occurred under the eyes of his mother, who “feigned ignorance”.

In the years that followed, Hélène explained that she had been forced into digital anal penetration, but also with various objects such as “bananas, pencils or teaspoons when she was doing the dishes, she was in the shower or she bent down”could read Le Figaro in the complaint report. According to the alleged victim, his father justified his actions with religious pretexts. “We had to be in a dress or skirt all the time because we must honor God by our dress and be ready to bear witness in all circumstances outside”, she says. “I didn’t do anything, I love my children too much to hurt them.” defends the accused. As for the mother, she also firmly denied the facts before the police.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Cristiano Ronaldo accused of rape!

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