Hélène Rollès: Why does she still have the same look as when she started out?

She began her career very young, first in the cinema, at the end of the 1970s, but it was from the 1990s that she became one of the favorite artists of the French thanks to the series. First kisses then Helen and the boys and finally, Mysteries of love. The star has crossed the decades without changing her style!

Of course, over the years the clothes have become less garish than at one time, but, physically, Hélène Rollès has kept an unchanged look, especially from a hair point of view! She always kept her long blonde hair slicked back. Unlike other stars who like to regularly treat themselves to a new face, she has never budged. “It’s me who never changed my style, for the simple reason that I don’t care. I don’t really look at myself“, she had confided in the pages of TV 7 Days to justify this side engraved in marble, worthy of Mireille Mathieu.

Hélène Rollès, who is not the type to worry about her look, added: “I once spent six months without a mirror, lack of time to go and buy one. I was using the one in my elevator, and that was enough for me.“A behavior totally out of step with the vast majority of show business personalities, very concerned about their image and surrounded by hairdressers, make-up artists, stylists … There is no doubt that it is this simplicity, this side girl next door that has pleased the French for so long.

Rather than wasting time with beauty professionals, Hélène Rollès must undoubtedly prefer to use her free time between two shoots or concerts to take care of her children. Indeed, the star is the happy mother of two adopted children, June and Marcus (12 and 10 years old). “I waited six years. Today Ethiopia, where my children come from, closed the procedures, the orphanages. What a stress this has been. Until I got off the plane, I was scared. But the obstacle course is quickly forgotten with the indescribable happiness that it brings“, she said to the Parisian last August.

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