Hélène Rollès, not even afraid: the totally unexpected announcement

Impossible to forget José, Johanna, Cricri d’amour and her band with Hélène Rollès at the top of the list, the star of the sitcom Hélène and the boys who melted thousands of teenagers in the 1990s. Still very involved in the 34th season of Mysteries of Love, the artist seemed to have little time to devote herself to another activity. And yet, to everyone’s surprise, the performer of the hit “Helene” returns to the song. A surprise announcement revealed by Jean-Luc Azoulay. His long-time producer published a studio photo on his X account where the artist does not appear, accompanied by this sober caption: “Hélène’s new album coming soon…

The announcement is all the more surprising given that a few months ago, the artist confided in our colleagues at South Radioon a likely return to music: “If I make an album again, it will lead to a scene and I have so much stage fright that I hesitate.” adding : “The last stage was the Olympia, and when I found myself ready to go on stage, I said to myself: ‘But why are you still here? And why did you say yes? Why are you find you there?'”.

At this stage, the main interested party made no comments on his return leaving endless doubt for his fans who know nothing about the release date of this album and even its title.

Soon a return to the stage?

Even if
Hélène Rollès appears a lot on the small screen, the mother of two children adopted in Ethiopia had never abandoned music since the start of his career, the artist has released 10 albums including the last one entitled “Un amour” was published in 2021. Nominated for the Victoires de la Musique in 1994, a question now torments everyone: will this album be followed by a tour; 30 years after its very first in 1993? During an interview with our colleagues from Gala last year the artist responded tersely: “It’s funny, everyone keeps asking me that! It’s in talks, nothing certain yet, but I say “why not?“. Patience, patience…

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