Hélène de Saint-Père is dead

French cinema lost one of its great ladies this Friday: Hélène de Saint-Père left us at the age of 62. If her name means nothing to you, you will necessarily recognize her face: between her arrival in the profession, in the 80s, and today, she had chained roles in films, TV films and series, in particular Profiling or more recently Cain and Alex Hugo.

But her long career had above all begun on the boards, she who had been hired very young by the Théâtre des Amandiers, in Nanterre, in the Paris region. At the time, the experience had greatly pleased him. “At that time the Amandiers theater was in full swing, we were in daily contact with the reality of the profession, it was not at all a classical school“, she said recently on the Cours Florent website.

The Cours Florent, a prestigious school particularly important in her life: indeed, for several years, the actress had become a teacher there and taught students the keys to knowing “who they are, dare without judging themselves, uninhibit themselves, develop their imagination“. A beautiful mission that has become “obvious” for the one who had rubbed shoulders with the greatest: during her career, she notably played with the late Marie-France Pisier, Jacques Doillon, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi or even Pierre Jolivet.

His last appearance on the big screen was in the movie Appearances, by Marc Fitoussi, a thriller released in 2020 also starring Benjamin Biolay and Karin Viard. On television, we found her, again in 2020 in the mini-series Molochreleased on Arte and which told the story of people who mysteriously caught fire in a village.

Before that, she had made an impression in the TV movie on Jacqueline Sauvage, playing the President of the Court of Appeal, a strong role in a fiction that had been very popular with viewers, as she was faithful to the reality of this story. media (a woman had killed her husband who had beaten her for years).

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