Hélène and Omar Sy: Rare photo of their beautiful daughter Sabah, 18 years old… spitting image of her father!

A father who has not yet commented on his photo, unlike his mother, who left him an adorable comment: “My Sabah-Chou“, she wrote, adding hearts. Mouloud Achour, friend of the family, also left emojis in the shape of a heart under the photo of the young girl, whom he seems to have seen growing up, just like Valérie Damidot, who liked the photo.

If Sabah remains quite discreet about her current life on her Instagram account, she seems on the other hand somewhat nostalgic: she indeed posts many photos of her sister Selly and of her when they were children, generally accompanied by their parents. Adorable shots that do not expose their two brothers, however, more discreet, nor their little sister Amani-Nour, whose face has always been preserved.

It must be said that Omar and Hélène Sy have always done everything so that their children do not suffer too much from their notoriety. They even went so far as to move 10,000 kilometers from Paris when the pressure became too great: after the incredible success ofUntouchablesthe actor and his wife had decided to move to Los Angeles so that their children would stop living in this whirlwind that frightened them.

It was good for them: ten years later, their tribe is on top and reveals itself at its own pace on social networks. And the American career of Omar Sy took off: since his move to the City of Angels, the former accomplice of Fred Testot has turned in the saga Jurassic Worldin the saga X-Men or even in theCall of the Forest with Harrison Ford!

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