Helena Noguerra grandmother: why she no longer wants to spread her private life

Helena Noguerra is making a comeback in 2022. Rather discreet in cinema and television, Lio’s half-sister will be back on TF1 in Clemseries broadcast from this Monday, March 28, 2022. She is also one of the characters in the fiction Replacing, worn by JoeyStarr. Blooming in this professional life which smiles on her at 52, Helena Noguerra is no less spoiled in the private sector. In January 2021, she took over her Instagram account to reveal to her many fans that she had become a grandmother. A post that had caused a lot of talk because some had made – with good reason – a connection between the paternity of his son Tanel Derard and the maternity of Shy’m, who became a mother on the same day of a little boy named Tahoma. She had therefore deleted everything in stride. In the pages of Entertainment TVHelena Noguerra confided that she no longer wanted to share her private life: “When you start, you are happy to talk about yourself and you do not realize the impact on those close to you. But as you get older, you realize that all the things you say will one day turn against you.“.

No question for this mother hen to hurt her family for a few words dropped on social networks: “Especially since in our time, everything is taken up on the Internet, unlike the 1980s when a sentence pronounced at Thierry Ardisson when you had drunk too much did not lead to your killing on social networks. So I don’t want to spread out anymore.”

AT Current wife, Helena Noguerra had already explained the reason why the post about the arrival of a grandson in her life had been deleted: “If I took it off, it’s because all of a sudden I realized I was wrong. When we talk about ourselves, we engage a lot of people with us who don’t necessarily want us to talk about them. So that taught me a lot. It’s going to engage my son, people are going to look… And then the poor thing, I’m going to leave him alone. He’s a 30-year-old man, he doesn’t want his mom to speak for him. It’s stupid, so I’ll stop“. The young grandmother has obviously learned the lesson.

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