heavy rains cause water to rise


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Floods in Pas-de-Calais: heavy rains cause water to rise

Floods in Pas-de-Calais: heavy rains cause water to rise – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J.Longchampt, C.Barbaux, M.Selli, G.Liaboeuf. Drone images: Romain Hayem

France Televisions

Heavy rainfall fell again on Pas-de-Calais on Monday November 27, three weeks after the floods which affected the department.

Swamps transformed into lakes and roads submerged by floods… Three weeks after the start of the floods, Pas-de-Calais was again affected by heavy rainfall, Monday November 27. Several municipalities are concerned. “It’s starting to get tired, it’s been going on for three weeks”notes Nicolas Cornuel, 2e deputy mayor of Brimeux (Pas-de-Calais). Since Monday morning, La Canche and La Hem, two rivers in the department, have been placed on orange alert and risk overflowing.

Residents who live in fear

Recurring floods and incessant rains are slowing down pumping operations. In Montreuil-sur-Mer, 119 firefighters are mobilized. They suck thousands of liters of water from homes and discharge them into the river. “We have been a light sleeper for two weeks”, confides a resident who fears new floods. Météo France has decided to keep Pas-de-Calais on orange alert until the evening of Monday, November 27.

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