Heavy rain expected over southern Quebec on Friday

Environment Canada warns that heavy rains expected to fall in southwestern Quebec beginning Friday morning could cause flash flooding, flooding in lowlands and water accumulation on roads.

In a special weather report published Thursday morning, the federal agency predicts that 30 to 50 millimeters of rain could fall on southern Quebec, but that the quantities could exceed 50 millimeters in certain localities, under thunderstorms.

Such forecasts have been issued for the regions of Montreal, Pontiac, Montérégie, Centre-du-Québec, Bois-Francs, Laurentides and Lanaudière and Mauricie.

In most of these areas, rain is expected to continue on Saturday, with a chance of showers between 60% and 70%.

Last Thursday, thunderstorms hit several regions of Quebec. In the evening, at the height of the crisis, 392,000 Hydro-Québec customers were affected by power outages.

That day, thunderstorms sometimes punctuated by tornadoes moved over a distance of about 450 kilometers between the south of Ottawa and Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, in Mauricie. The affected regions received rainfall amounts varying between 50 and 90 millimeters, which caused sewer overflows and extensive flooding in several municipalities.

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