COP28 addresses the consequences of climate change on human health on Sunday.
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Public Health France has identified “33,000 anticipated deaths linked to heatwaves since 2014”, revealed Sunday December 3 on franceinfo Francelyne Marano, expert with Public Health France and professor emeritus at Paris Cité University. COP28, which takes place in Dubai, addresses the consequences of climate change on human health on Sunday, December 3.
Francelyne Marano explains that heatwave peaks are linked to high atmospheric pollution, which has health consequences in France: “These pollution peaks are associated with the production of ozone when there is a lot of sunshine during the summer.”
At the global level, the WHO “consider that there is an increase of 70%” of anticipated deaths among “people aged over 65%”, because of the heat, assures the expert. The World Health Organization “also estimates seven million anticipated deaths per year worldwide linked to air pollution”proving “that the two phenomena are closely linked”says Francelyne Marano.
The professor emeritus also highlights another consequence of global warming on health, and mentions the invasions of tiger mosquitoes. “In the ten years that have passed, there are currently 71 departments which are invaded […] especially in summer”, explains Francelyne Marano. This is partly because“it’s less cold in winter”SO “the larvae are not destroyed”which means that “Every year, we have new invasions of tiger mosquitoes”causing “first indigenous cases of dengue fever in mainland France”deplores the expert.