Heatwave: Spain is suffocating


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

France 2 – E. Gazengel, M. Watine

France Televisions

Europe is affected by a heat dome. Spain, in particular, suffers from a zone of particularly stifling heat, especially in the center and south of the country. The inhabitants are in search of the slightest fresh air.

11 p.m. in Spain, squares can finally come alive. With the new heatwave episode, parents and children are looking for a semblance of freshness, while the thermometer does not drop below 25 degrees. “As yesterday they slept really badly, we decided to go out today”, advances a local resident. Three days after the last heat wave, the country is again on alert, with 40 degrees over much of the territory.

The peak has not yet been reached

Fleeing the sun has become essential, even for tourists. “We look for seats in the shade to rest”, advances a tourist. Accustomed to the heat, the situation is nevertheless unbearable for the Spaniards. This heat wave is already third since the beginning of summer in the country. Some people are even more affected, including churro vendors. Two Spanish workers have already died this summer due to the heat. The worst is yet to come, peaks of 44 degrees are expected early in the week.

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