heated debates, and a second deliberation for the revaluation of retirement pensions


France 2

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The deputies adopted, on the night of Tuesday 26 to Wednesday 27 July, the amending finance bill. A big quack on the revaluation of 500 million euros in retirement pensions has however occurred.

The debates were stormy in the National Assembly during the examination of the amending finance bill for 2022. On the night of Tuesday July 26 to Wednesday July 27, the deputies voted to revalue retirement pensions to the tune of 500 million euros to take into account the real level of inflation. Initially, the measure was adopted against the advice of the government, before being canceled by a second deliberation, denounced by the deputies of the opposition.

“Don’t go back to these methods of forceful passage (…). You no longer have an absolute majority, it’s not the right way to govern”, declared Éric Coquerel, deputy LFI and president of the Finance Committee. Exasperated, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, replied that “democracy is texts (…), regulations which must avoid the disorder which seems to please both ends of this hemicycle”. Other measures headlights of this amending finance bill for 2022: the envelope of 230 million euros granted to households heating with fuel oil, the extension until the end of the year of the tariff shield on energy prices, the revaluation of the index point for civil servants and the abolition of the royalty on public broadcasting.

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