Heat waves, forest fires … Air quality threatened by the “climate backlash”, warns the UN

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warns: heat waves and forest fires will become more frequent, more intense and longer under the effect of climate change, and will thus degrade air quality and human health . In its new report, published on Wednesday September 7, the specialized agency of the UN evokes a dynamic of mutual reinforcement between pollution and global warming which will lead to a “climatic aftershock” from which hundreds of millions of people will suffer.

The annual WMO Air Quality and Climate Bulletin focuses specifically on the impact of wildfire smoke in 2021 when, as in 2020, heat and drought exacerbated the spread forest fires in western North America and Siberia, leading to a considerable increase in levels of fine particles (PM 2.5) harmful to health.

“Projections show that even if emissions are low, global warming will cause an increase in forest fires and the air pollution they cause”, explains WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. In a press release, he underlines that this phenomenon will have an impact on human health, but will also affect ecosystems because atmospheric pollutants are deposited on the surface of the Earth.

“We observed this process during the heat waves that hit Europe and China this year, when stable atmospheric conditions, strong sunshine and weak winds favored high pollution levels.”

Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary General

in a press release

Global observations show that the total annual area burned shows a downward trend over the past two decades, thanks to a decrease in the number of savannah and grassland fires.

However, on a continental scale, some regions show increasing trends, including areas of western North America, the Amazon and Australia. Intense wildfires resulted in abnormally high concentrations of PM 2.5 in Siberia, Canada and the western United States in July and August 2021. In eastern Siberia, these concentrations reached levels that had not previously been “never observed before” according to the WMO, mainly due to particularly high temperatures and dry soils.

As for what happened this year, it’s “a taste of what the future holds, as a further increase in the frequency, intensity and duration of heat waves is to be feared”according to Petteri Taalas.

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