Heat wave: with high temperatures, beware of the risk of drowning


Article written by

J.Coulais, N.Gobron, C.Bouchasson, H.Perret, L.Aoudia, P.Gomez, L.Breton, A.Grenier-Comard – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with high temperatures, there is a risk of being crowded at the sea and in the swimming pools. The authorities warn of the risk of drowning, particularly in Haute-Saône.

The Champagney basin (Haute-Saone) is an idyllic place, and yet, swimming is prohibited there. Indeed, an 11-year-old girl died there on the weekend of June 11. The onset of heat and summer increase the risk of inconsiderate swimming. 11% drownings in France take place in bodies of water like that of Champagney.

“The areas that are not supervised, which are prohibited for swimming, it is because they present dangers. Dangers either of currents, or of water temperatures which are cold, or also of funds and significant depths”explains Commander Matthieu Faure, of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service of Haute-Saône. In this scorching week, it is necessary to be vigilant with their children, and to avoid unsupervised bathing areas.

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