Heat wave: temperature records Saturday June 18



Article written by

N. Perez, France 3 Regions, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

Many temperature records were broken on Saturday June 18. Much of the country is affected. Eleven departments are still on red alert and 49 in orange.

In Bordeaux (Gironde)the temperature rose to 41°C in the afternoon of Saturday 18 June. Only solution : flee the city center to cool off on the outskirts. Further south, in Mont-de-Marsan (moors)stifling heat. An old lady has just felt unwell at home. She is taken to a retirement home, where she will be able to recover.

In Auxerre (Yonne)it was 40°C today. Volunteers circulated in public places to distribute free bottles of water. So not easy to work in this heat, 39°C in Poitiers (Vienna)where a baker worked all day with temperatures exceeding 40°C. “It’s true that with the water vapor coming back, it’s starting to rise there”he testifies. In Orléans, 39°C seems to make children happy.

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