Heat wave: heat wave hits southern and eastern Europe


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – R.Michelot, V.Labenne

France Televisions

During the week of July 17, a heat wave affected southern and eastern Europe. It should last until at least Wednesday.

The famous Trevi Fountain is stormed in Rome (Italy). It is a rare island of freshness in the furnace. 39°C were recorded in the streets of the Italian capital. Traders and tourists are suffocating. “It’s bearable, but I wouldn’t advise people to go out at an hour like that”says a French tourist. During the week of July 17, the whole of Southern and Eastern Europe is suffocating. In Sardinia, the thermometer could reach 48°C on Tuesday July 18.

The whole of Romania placed in orange vigilance

In Serbia, the heat has already caused fires. further eastin Romania, the authorities have placed the whole country on orange alert for high heat. This heat wave is expected to last until at least Wednesday. Scientists estimate that 2023 could already be the hottest year on record.

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