Heat wave: health risks


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The heat that hits France on Friday June 17 can have consequences for our health. The journalist and doctor Damien Mascret was on the 13 Hours set to talk about it.

The heat period which rages in France on Friday June 17 puts the body to the test. “First, there is an impact on the brain. You risk losing consciousness and falling into a coma, and then a risk for the heart: you can have heart failure, then one after another all the organs: the stomach, the kidneys, the muscles…”, explains journalist and doctor Damien Mascretpresent on the board from 13 hours.

Small signs can alert of a heat stroke: “First, we have a feeling of discomfort with sometimes dizziness. Obviously, we sweat a lot, to evacuate the internal heat. And then as we sweat a lot, we lose salt and mineral salts, which triggers cramps. If it gets worse, you have a really bad headache, nausea or vomiting, a racing heart.”explains the doctor. While waiting for help, drink water and go in the shade, if possible near a fan to facilitate the evaporation of perspiration. To avoid all this, it is better to stay in cool places and drink plenty.

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