Heat wave: 12 departments on red alert


France 3

Article written by

S. Aramon, M. Barate, R. Biboz France 3 Regions, O. Pergament – France 3

France Televisions

Friday, June 17, the heat episode to which face France is of a rare intensity. A large southwestern quarter of the country is on red alert. peaks at 40°C are expected this afternoon. Schoolchildren and college students from the twelve departments concerned can stay at home.

Friday, June 17, it’s an ordinary day for school children Bordeaux (Gironde). Extreme heat does not change the program: head to school. Some school children are happy, the parents have often no choice, but others are disappointed. I know they will take care of it very well. We have already been told that there will be no games outside, no football games, that he will stay in the shade. I trust the schooltestifies a mother.

Many schoolchildren have presented as usual also this morning in Angoulême (Charente)a department also placed on heatwave red alert. Alicia is even in a hurry to go to class. We gave him a very cold gourd”explains his grandmother. No red vigilance in Dijon (Golden Coast) in contrast. But it will still be 34°C this afternoon.

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