heat stroke throughout France



France 3

Article written by

France 3 Regions, C.La Rocca, O.Pergament – France 3

France Televisions

Tuesday June 14, temperatures close to 40 degrees were recorded in Aubagne, in the Bouches-du-Rhône. Throughout France, the thermometer is racing.

In Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhône), the thermometer showed almost 40 degrees, Tuesday June 14, and the inhabitants sought freshness as much as they could. On the banks of the Loire, some have come to soak their feet in the water. A restaurateur regrets the absence of customers. “The crowds arrive in the evening, when the temperatures start to drop”he explains.

Extreme temperatures are feared for the most fragile. A nursing home in Limoges (Haute-Vienne) has thus implemented a heat wave protocol. The rooms are refreshed, the activities adapted and the food of the residents very supervised, with food rich in water. “There are drink passes much more frequently, with transmissions between agents and caregivers several times a day to find out who has been drinking, who has not been drinking”explains Olivia Merle, coordinating doctor at the Mas Rome nursing home in Limoges.

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