heat stroke in Melilla between Morocco and Spain

Nearly 2,000 migrants tried to enter Melilla from Morocco on Friday June 24 and 130 succeeded, according to the prefecture of the Spanish enclave, which established a new assessment of this massive entry. However, five migrants of African origin were killed during this attempt. According to Moroccan local authorities, 76 others were injured, 13 of them seriously.

This is the first blow of heat, the first phase of tension between Spain and Morocco, which have begun a process of reconciliation since mid-March. A serious diplomatic crisis was caused last year by the reception in a Spanish hospital of the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, to be treated there for Covid-19.

An unacceptable gesture for Morocco, which had spoken of a national offense, as the question of the sovereignty of Western Sahara is a raw nerve for the kingdom. The reprisals were not long in coming: the Moroccan customs officers had released their control to let more than 10,000 migrants pass in 48 hours towards the Spanish enclave of Ceuta.

After months of intense diplomatic efforts, Spain finally announced on March 18 that it supported the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco to resolve the question of Western Sahara, in exchange for the blocking of illegal immigration in Ceuta and Melilla.

This Spanish volte-face immediately provoked a crisis this time with Algeria, the main support of the Polisario Front. But inevitably, between Madrid and Rabat, relations have cleared up, to such an extent that King Mohammed VI received Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister, with great fanfare, for an “iftar”, the breaking of the Ramadan fast in early April.

This new migratory crisis is not necessarily addressed to Spain only, even if there are still some disputes such as the delimitation of fishing areas. The two countries have agreed on a roadmap to settle their differences.

Rabat’s message is undoubtedly sent to the other countries of the European Union and in particular to Brussels on the theme: “Follow the example of Spain, recognize the validity of our autonomy plan for Western Sahara, abandon any support for the Polisario Front. Otherwise, we will continue to use the migratory tap as a means of pressure.” Because officially, the European Commission supports the UN plan which is based on the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people, and above all does not want to alienate Algeria, which is being courted today for its gas.

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