Heat peak: how to explain the rise in temperatures?



France 2

Article written by

M. Subra-Gomez, D. Bonnet, P. Limpens – France 2

France Televisions

The heat wave, which begins Monday, May 9 in France, is likely to last. the phenomenon is not exceptional, but rare. Can we talk about a heat wave? Why such an increase? The 20 Hours of France 2 answers these questions.

The week of Monday May 9 already looks like summer. The thermometer panics everywhere in France, between 22 and 27 degrees, sometimes 30. Why such a heat wave? A depression over the Atlantic pushes hot air from the Maghreb and spain to central Europe. It is currently stagnating over France, what is called the anticyclonic ridge, and is causing temperatures five degrees above normal for the season.

But not enough to speak of a heat wave, because the temperatures are not high at night. However, experts are concerned about the duration of the phenomenon. In the past, other May months have been just as hot, if not hotter. It was 30° in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) in 1998 and in 1976, the thermometer showed 30 degrees in Rouen (Seine-Maritime). The Temperatures are expected to drop Thursday and Friday, before rising again over the weekend.

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