Heat, humidity and a few violent storms on the menu this summer

A hot, “unstable and sticky” summer awaits Quebecers and Ontarians, according to MétéoMédia, which predicts periods of abundant heat, but these periods will, more often than usual, be followed by violent thunderstorms.

In southern Quebec, temperatures will be above seasonal norms, like precipitation, which will also be present, according to MétéoMédia.

It would therefore be the “fifth consecutive summer where temperatures will be above seasonal norms, which has never happened since the data was compiled”, therefore since 1942, indicated André Monette, chief meteorologist at The Weather Network.

A few heat waves are expected, “but it may not be as intense as last year when the months of June and August were record months in terms of temperatures”, summed up Mr. Monette at The Canadian Press.

According to the meteorologist, “the month of June should be a little closer to normal” and it is during the months of July and August “that we will have heat waves” which could bring “a lot of humidity, therefore values nevertheless very high humidity”.

André Monette predicts that the amount of precipitation, above normal, should prevent this summer from being “a particularly active season for forest fires” in the east of the country.

Elsewhere in Canada

The majority of Canada “will be entitled to temperatures near or above normal”, according to MétéoMédia.

“The heat and humidity, in addition to an active pattern, will contribute to a stormy summer for much of the country. »

A few periods of cooler weather will therefore be made possible by these moments of instability, summarized Chris Scott, director of meteorology at MétéoMédia.

As far as western Canada is concerned, “we are close to normal, there may be periods of heat at times, but it will not be dominant and we are also forecasting more precipitation than normal for the coast. “, explained Mr. Monette, specifying that “it should be quieter and less painful than last summer for the forest fires”.

In the Atlantic, temperatures will be above normal and only the Labrador region should be “close to seasonal normals”, according to MétéoMédia.

Meteorologists expect more hurricanes and tropical storms than usual towards the end of the summer in the Atlantic Ocean, so there may be remnants of tropical storms could go up the coast and strike the Atlantic provinces” and possibly certain regions of Quebec, indicated André Monette.

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