Health: the critical situation of hospitals in the face of the bronchiolitis epidemic



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The Minister of Health, François Braun, has launched the emergency plan in all French hospitals to deal with the bronchiolitis epidemic. This Orsan plan makes it possible to bring back staff, to reorganize care in the hospital and in the city. Present on the set of 20 Hours, Wednesday, November 9, the journalist Damien Mascret delivers his analysis of the situation.

The situation of hospitals is critical. We had not seen so many emergency admissions and hospitalizations for bronchiolitis for 10 years.For three years, SOS doctors had never been so called for bronchiolitis as at the moment. And besides, the number of visits to the emergency room for bronchiolitis is well above the peaks of 2018 or 2021, for example.“, specifies the journalist and doctor Damien Mascret, present on the set of 20 Hours, Wednesday, November 9.

According to experts, the epidemic would be intense, because they evoke the hypothesis “decline in population immunity to RSV, bronchiolitis virus, or circulating other viruses“, continues Damien Mascret. It is therefore necessary to avoid as much as possible the contact of the infant with people other than the parents.For the first two days, bronchiolitis feels like a cold. It is only on the 3rd day that a whistle, during breathing, appears. In 97% of cases, the child improves in 2-3 days“, he details. You have to worry if the child is less than six months old, eats less, breathes poorly or simply changes in behavior.

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