Health: teleconsultation booths to fight against medical deserts


Article written by

C. Wormser, G. Sabin, P. Lacotte – France 2

France Televisions

In some towns in France, it seems very difficult to find a free doctor. To temporarily solve the problem, teleconsultation booths have been devised.

To fight against medical deserts, some cities have decided to innovate. Since July, to renew her prescription for back pain medication, Danièle Linger has only to sit down in front of a somewhat special computer. After ten minutes of waiting, here she is facing a doctor based in Guerande (Loire Atlantique)130 kilometers from Vitré (Ille-et-Vilaine) where she is in senior residence. The examination is done remotely thanks to teleconsultation and medical equipment made available to the patient.

The 118 residents and inhabitants of the district can use this “teleconsultation cabin” to be in contact with 350 doctors everywhere in France, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. “When we have a doubt, we also refer to city medicine or hospitals if there are really urgent things”reassures Doctor Pierre allpointgeneral practitioner. A necessary help in a territory victim of medical desertification. In Vitré, there are 18,000 inhabitants for 19 general practitioners. Or one for 1000 administered. Teleconsultation appears to be a miracle solution, but in the opinion of general practitioners, it is only a bandage on a system that needs to be rethought.

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