health system ‘on its knees’ in Gaza Strip, says WHO director-general

The health system is “on your knees” in the Gaza Strip, alerted the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday, November 10. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus notably underlined that half of the 36 hospitals in the enclave were not functioning “not at all”. He mentioned “hospital corridors crowded with wounded, sick and dying people, overflowing morgues, surgeries without anesthesia, tens of thousands of people taking refuge in hospitals”. Follow our live stream.

A meeting in Riyadh. Arab leaders and the Iranian president are meeting in Saudi Arabia on Saturday for a joint summit. The Arab League will address “the way forward on the international stage to end the aggression, support Palestine and its people, condemn the Israeli occupation and hold it accountable for its crimes”Deputy Secretary General Hossam Zaki said on Thursday.

A first Israeli strike deep in Lebanon. An Israeli raid on Saturday targeted a vehicle in southern Lebanon, some 45 kilometers north of the common border. The official ANI agency, which did not report any victims, specified that“an enemy drone targeted a van which was in an orchard in the Zahrani region”, on the Lebanese coast. This is the first time that an objective has been targeted by an Israeli raid so far from the border.

Emmanuel Macron calls for a ceasefire. The French president has “urge[é] Israel to stop” bombings killing civilians in Gaza, in an interview with the BBC. “These babies, these women, these elderly people are being bombed and killed.” There is no “no justification” And “no legitimacy to that”he estimated.

An updated assessment in Israel. Israel has revised the death toll from the Hamas attack on October 7 from 1,400 to 1,200. Israeli authorities now believe that “many bodies that had not been identified” are those of people who participated in “Hamas terrorist attack, not Israeli victims”specified Lior Haiat, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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