Health: shared housing to maintain the autonomy of seniors


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6 mins

Health: shared housing to maintain the autonomy of seniors

Health: shared housing to maintain the autonomy of seniors – (FRANCE 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E. Prigent, M. Nadal, JC Martin

France Televisions

The company “MonSenior” offers seniors the opportunity to move to shared residences and live with caregivers. A solution that combines autonomy and security. Example in Ain.

“My idea for France is to develop an intermediate solution between home care and nursing homes: individual homes into which a family of caregivers and three elderly people move”, explains Clément Venard, co-founder of “MonSenior”. In Curciat-Dongalon (Ain), three houses emerged from the ground with inhabitants, who initially did not know each other. Marthe Robert could no longer stay alone. She was looking for another solution than the nursing home. Here she found it.

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The head of the family is Aurélie Saporta. The young woman lives with three residents who are losing their autonomy. Initially a psychomotor therapist in a nursing home, she also wanted something else. Each resident pays on average 1,900 euros per month all inclusive. Present on the 13 Heures set, Monday October 30, journalist Valérie Heurtel presented other initiatives to maintain the autonomy of seniors. In particular, it offers caregivers the construction of a “chalet” or a “Tiny House” adapted “for the elderly”, at an average cost of 40,000 euros.

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