Health: retired doctors return to service



Article written by

C.Colnet, A.Gouty, E.Delbecque – France 2

France Televisions

In several places in France, there are no longer enough doctors. To avoid medical deserts, some retired professionals are returning to their profession.

France is greatly affected by medical deserts. At the age of 70, some doctors return to service. Like Christian Castel, some of them are working again. People have not seen a single doctor for more than a year after the retirement of the person who used to treat them. We manage, when we are not well, we go to the pharmacy to buy medicine”says a patient.

To avoid being left without any treatment, some patients practice self-medication.There are not enough doctors, we have two doctors who had a large patient base who stopped their activity and who left behind 3,000 or 4,000 patients without a doctor“, explains Christian Castel. Like him, five retired doctors, including new ones working one afternoon a week. In this sector, there are only 23 doctors for 33,000 inhabitants.

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