Health restrictions, use of private consulting firms, device for women with endometriosis … Olivier Véran’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, was the guest of 8:30 franceinfo. Wearing a mask indoors, using private consulting firms, a device for women with endometriosis: he answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

The question of the alleviation of the latest health measures may arise in mid-March

“If we follow this dynamic, 15 days after February 28, that brings us to mid-March, we could start to seriously ask ourselves the question of wearing a mask indoors, for adults and children”also indicated Olivier Véran.

“We could also start to lighten the vaccination pass” in mid-march “but keep it in places that are very at risk, such as discotheques and there it would be until the end of March, the beginning of April”, he explains.

Use of private firms: “25 million euros out of 30 billion in expenditure

“We have placed a number of orders, for the Covid crisis it is 25 million euros out of 30 billion in expenditure which are devoted to the consulting firm. I recognize it and I claim it. every country in the world when you are going through a crisis”, he explains, while a survey book estimates that the government has spent between 1.5 billion and three billion euros a year in private consulting firms. 47 orders have been placed by the Ministry of Health.

A new expanded device for patients with endometriosis

“We are going to broaden the criteria very significantly” access “to long-lasting affection device 31” for women with endometriosis, said the Minister of Health.

For him, “no longer a single patient with active endometriosis, symptoms that require care and that generate costs” must not be “deprived of long-term affection” and therefore access to this device which concerns, to date, “several thousand women”.

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