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Artificial intelligence is worrying, but it can also save lives. A new tool, developed by the Institut Curie, has made it possible to identify the origin of a patient’s cancer when doctors were at an impasse.
Each year in France, there are 7,000 cancers diagnosed with metastases, but the cancer at the origin of the metastases is unknown. “In the case of this patient, there were metastases, and when you do the biopsy of the metastases, you are trying to find the origin of the cancer. We couldn’t find it. artificial intelligence (IA) found : it was kidney cancer“, reports the doctor and journalist Damien Mascreton the set of 19/20, Monday April 17.
AI is constantly improving
The AI compared with more than 20,000 profiles ofRNAwhich had entered the machine. This discovery made it possible to change the patient’s treatment, which was not working and is now effective. Beyond this specific case, artificial intelligence opens up many perspectives in the world of medicine. Dozens of patients have already benefited from it. Also, the AI keeps getting better. “Every time a new patient entered the intelligence artificial, she learn, she will do better”concludes the doctor.
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Curie Institute
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