Health: private nursing homes pinned for misleading commercial practices



Article written by

L. Nahon, E. Bonnasse, A. Hanquet, F. Bohn, M. Barrois, R. Laurentin – France 3

France Televisions

The repression of fraud ensures, after three years of investigation, that more than one out of two private nursing homes is guilty of deceptive commercial practices. Another scandal after the abuse observed at Orpea in February.

While she thought she had found the ideal nursing home for her grandmother, Olivia Mokiejewski was a victim of practices misleading commercial practiced by some of these institutions. Comfort and well-being for residents, beauty service on request, hairdresser, laundry, kitchen on site…: the promises are beautiful, but not kept. “You feel like you’re in a four-star hotel and you tell yourself that our loved one is going to be fine”testifies Olivia Mokiejewski. Very quickly, she realizes that her grandmother’s linen is shrinking, even disappearing, and that the cooking is mediocre. More seriously, she denounces a difference between the care promised by the brochure and that provided to her grandmother.

A case far from isolated. For three years, the fraud prevention department (DGGCRF) carried out checks in private nursing homes. Survey results: misleading commercial practices and displayed rates different from those claimed. There are many establishments in violation. “The services of the DGCCRF have noted shortcomings in a little more than one in two establishments”emphasizes Remy Sloveniachief of staff in this administration. The fraud prevention department ensures that the checks will continue.

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