Health: pediatric services overwhelmed by the bronchiolitis epidemic




Article written by

M.-P. Cassignard, O. Chartier, Delègue, S. Neuquelman, M. Yvard, C. Massé, L. Jauson – France 3

France Televisions

Cough and wheeze, the bronchiolitis epidemic now affects all of France, Monday, October 31. The highly contagious disease occurs in strength and that in the midst of a crisis in pediatric emergency services.

Pediatric ERs are overheated. at Le Mans (Sarthe)as everywhere in France, the bronchiolitis epidemic saturates the hospital. The influx of patients, up to a hundred each day, worries a nurse car there are soon no more beds. “They will stay several hours in the box, it’s still complicated because these are not places where you can rest”explains Marion Fontaine, nurse.

Ile-de-France is also saturated. At Robert Debre Hospital (AP-HP)there are only 20 beds for 23 patients. Several children had to be transferred to other regions. Dr Stephane Daugerhead of the pediatric resuscitation service, continues to point out the shortage of staff and the lack of beds which leads to “extremely perilous and dangerous situations for the sick”. Faced with the crisis, some parents prefer to travel miles to get outside of France. In recent days, a hospital in Monaco has seen a sharp increase in attendance and also fears being overwhelmed.

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