health pass and compulsory mask at the Christmas market


France 3

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After a blank year, the Christmas market is back in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). A monitored return while the cases of Covid-19 are on the rise across France, and beyond the borders.

The Strasbourg Christmas market (Bas-Rhin) is back on Friday November 26, after two years of absence. But the atmosphere is not at the party, the epidemic rebound is in everyone’s mind. The 300 traders at the market say they are ready to welcome visitors. However, they fear an early closure linked to the Covid, as a few kilometers away: in Germany, several sites had to be closed. “We must stay positive and continue to hope that we reach the end of the market”, indicates Michel Wagner, president of the professional association of exhibitors of the Strasbourg Christmas market.

Measures have already been taken such as the wider spacing between the chalets, the wearing of masks in the market, and the ban on eating or drinking between the stalls. Consumption will be limited to certain specific areas. These measures do not discourage Strasbourg residents, happy that the market can be held. New restrictions could be decided by the town hall and the prefecture depending on the incidence rate in Alsace.

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