Health: Only 10 members of the public flying team have been deployed

The long-awaited public flying team promised by Health Minister Christian Dubé now has 36 workers hired. However, so far, only 10 of them have been deployed to lend a hand to regions that are seriously short of staff.

In total, three orderlies and a nurse were dispatched to the CISSS de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue. The CISSS de la Côte-Nord has been able to benefit to date from four health and social care auxiliaries, a orderly and a nurse sent as reinforcements, indicates the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS). No one has been deployed to Outaouais for the moment.

The flying team, which was originally promised for June 20, aims to help regions that are suffering from a major staff shortage in the network. To date, 226 people have been interviewed, the MSSS said.

The ministry believes that agreements signed with unions in mid-July will help speed up the dispatch of personnel to places where they are most needed. Under these agreements, health care workers who join the flying team will receive, among other things, a bonus of $100 per day.

Thus, the MSSS predicts that Abitibi-Témiscamingue will soon be able to count on six more orderlies and one additional nursing assistant. Three additional nurses, two nursing assistants and two additional health and social care assistants will be deployed on the Côte-Nord.

“Let us clarify that the deployment of resources is done gradually, according to the availability of staff, their profiles, and the needs of the establishments,” writes the ministry.

Further details will follow.

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