Health network: three unions adopt the agreement in principle

Three unions in the health and social services sector ratified on Thursday the agreement in principle on pay equity for workers in the reprocessing of medical devices (PRDM).

The agreement was reached between the Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS-CSN), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (SCFP-FTQ), the Quebec Union of Service Employees (SQEES-FTQ) and the Treasury Board.

It provides for the payment of retroactive sums of up to $13,000, in addition to an interest rate of 5% applicable when the sums due were to be paid, whereas in 2022, PRDMs will receive an increase in the hourly rate of $1.65 per hour at the maximum of the scale.

“After months of mobilization and representations to the Treasury Board, this agreement marks an important victory to end wage discrimination in the health and social services network,” said Josée Marcotte, Vice-President of the FSSS-CSN, Maxime Ste-Marie, President of the SCFP-FTQ Provincial Social Affairs Council, and Sylvie Nelson, President of the SQEES-FTQ.

The three unions are not giving up and intend to continue mobilizing to reach a settlement of complaints to maintain pay equity for clerical and administrative staff.

“It’s been more than 11 years that these workers have been waiting for recognition of the fair value of their work and their efforts to provide quality services to the population and changes in their work,” added the union representatives.

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