Mr. Dubé, you do not become a respiratory therapist, or health professional, because you are looking for glory, attention or great moments of celebrity. On the contrary, we are looking for small moments. These little moments which nevertheless have the power to change a life.
We seek contact with reality, with the users around us, whom we treat. We try to support our patients through difficult times. Quite possibly some of the most difficult they will have to go through in their life. We try to go through these moments with an extraordinary level of professionalism, humanism and technical and clinical competence.
So all this to tell you that I never looked for the spotlight. However, we do not expect to be forgotten, demobilized and crushed… At this point of near no return as I feel it now.
You see, all my career (soon 17 years), I will have worked part-time! Foolish, you might say … For several reasons. For my mental health, my travels, my family, my friends, my children, my hobbies, my continuing education.
To live life.
This choice allowed me to continue to love my work, to be dedicated to it every time I set foot there and to have the desire to come back to it. I am fortunate to be able to make this choice. Some would say that we are all lucky, but that is another subject.
The era of sobriety
I am also reassured when I see the world around me change. More and more countries are talking about the four-day working week. Moreover, here in Montreal very recently, Eidos Studios took the leap; without any change to their conditions or wages, their week will be reduced from five to four days. Others will follow suit.
I firmly believe that we are entering the era of sobriety, where efficiency and productivity will finally be separated. Where time is precious, and time to take care of people you love and yourself even more so.
But now, you plan to replenish the ranks of my profession with a concept which is the complete opposite of what I have just described. To be considered in your recruiting plan in the least, full time is the only salvation.
I have been working in the shadows for 20 months while my spouse, a nurse affected by your decree, is working more than ever. Whether in east Montreal in COVID-19 intensive care units or in downtown operating theaters. With two young children at home, you will understand that returning to the network with a spouse who is omnipresent there, and decrees in the shovel, was not a viable choice. So I did what I could, without complaining (because I’m not complaining), and worked with a respiratory health specialist from home on a part-time basis.
Then came the vaccination campaign. I raised my hand; the lack of manpower, the flexible schedule, the incredible chance to have an effective vaccine… All good reasons to contribute and participate in the way out of this crisis.
So here we are nine months later and 87% of the Quebec population over 12 years old is vaccinated! For the post-COVID period, a Caquist plan is therefore emerging. I look forward. Remember: I love my profession, I love my expertise, I love my clients and my clients love me. Even 17 years later.
But, so far, I have not changed. Working full time, every other weekend, day, evening, night… it is not compatible with this precious balance that I am looking for. I will therefore come back to replenish the rows four days a week, or “eight fortnight”, as we say in the network.
And I close the loop.

After working for the vaccination campaign, the author is preparing to return to practice her respiratory therapy profession.
From zero to eight
Here I am signing a contract with this network, with you, and I will offer eight working days every two weeks, whereas at present, I am not counted at all in your workforce. From zero to eight from January 10, 2022. That’s good, isn’t it?
Please understand me, I am not writing to you today because I am looking for money or fame. But maybe a little recognition. And certainly a little humanism on the part of my Minister of Health. Your plan reflects your vision and you seem very short-sighted to me.
I am especially thinking of all these professionals who were present during the first waves, who worked compulsory overtime, who contracted the disease, who did not give up the boat… All this while working part-time. They will not receive anything.
I think of others like me, who will not receive any compensation, bonus or recognition following their return to the network, since it will not be full time. As if when we are part-time, the moments on the floor, to look after, count less.
Your plan is filled with ignorance and disconnection. You think you are filling time slots with “full-time equivalent” statistics, but you forget the reality. The reality of the floor where these FTE professionals are losing out. Possibly lose their balance and we will all be back to square one.
So much the better for these professionals who sign, with their hand and their freedom, your “agreement” to be entitled to these few thousand dollars, after a year. May be.
In this group, mainly, professionals who come out of retirement to lend a hand and younger people who increase their position to have money.
However, I do not see any lasting solutions there, despite your press briefings, which you want to be encouraging. All I can see is window dressing… a powder that camouflages for the moment, a powder that will dissipate in the atmosphere in time to avoid the wringer of the next provincial election.
And during this time, I will come back to practice a profession that I love and even before setting foot there, I feel belittled, demobilized.
But, against all odds, I continue to value above all this balance. This need for me not to work full time in an environment that saps a lot of vital energy. For my studies that I continue to do part time. For my children whom I love. For my family and my love life that nourishes me. To live.
To maintain my vital energy that allows me to be the respiratory therapist you need on the floor. Competent and energized by her job.
However, I repeat to myself I know, your plan is not a long-term solution, but a political long-term solution. A plan that, you wish, will serve you in October 2022. I can not wait to see, I remain very skeptical.
The future will tell. I’ll be in post in a year to update you on that if you want.
You, in a year, where will you be, Mr. Dubé?
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