Health: mental health and “a real public health subject”, says Marine Ltemporel, Miss France 2013


Video length: 7 min

Health: mental health and “a real public health subject”, says Marine Ltemporel, Miss France 2013

Marine Lrouille, general practitioner, ambassador of the Olympic flame and Miss France 2013, is the guest of 12/13 info, Thursday December 14. She published a book entitled In Full Shape, in which she gives her advice for physical but also mental health. – (franceinfo)

Marine Lrouille, general practitioner, ambassador of the Olympic flame and Miss France 2013, is the guest of 12/13 info, Thursday December 14. She published a book entitled In Full Shape, in which she gives her advice for physical but also mental health.

Marine The orphangeneral practitioner, ambassador of the Olympic flame and Miss France 2013, publishes a book entitled In good shape. She delivers her health tips, concerning both physical health and mental health. Coming back to this last subject, Marine Ltemporel affirms in the 12/13 info that “it’s not a taboo“.”We can all be affected. I was, although I didn’t specifically think I had any mental health problems, I was young and my career was going very well.“, she says. Marine The orphan explains having had these worries because she put “a lot of pressure“, both as Miss France and during her medical studies. “I started to develop a little anxiety.”she specifies.

“There is far too much false information circulating” about health

I also realized that the subject of mental health is a real public health subject in contact with my patients, who sometimes came to consult for minor inconveniences, physical problems, sleep. And we actually realize that, behind it, there is a mental health problem“, explain there general practitioner.On social networks, she fights false information about health. “There is too much misinformation circulating that can negatively influence people and lead them to do bad things for their health. So I think it’s important, as a health professional with the knowledge we have, to combat these false ideas and try to reestablish the truth a little.“, estimates Marine The orphan.

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