Video length: 2 min
Dental care: Health Insurance sanctions ten Nobel Santé+ centers
Due to fraudulent practices, Health Insurance has decided to deregulate ten dental centers in France.
(France 2)
Due to fraudulent practices, Health Insurance has decided to deregulate ten dental centers in France.
From May 13, patients at a Nobel Santé+ dental center will no longer be reimbursed. A dentist trying to explain the situation on 13 Heures was called to order. Tuesday April 23, patients react. “I will go where I will be reimbursed”declares a woman.
2.9 million euros in damages
Crowns billed but not installed, bridges installed when patients did not need them, overbilling or invoices presented several times to Health Insurance… In total, ten Nobel Santé+ dental centers have more than 20 and are accused of fraudulent practices. They are located in eight cities in mainland France. “These are acts which were carried out without our agreement or that of the dentists”, indicates a dentist from a non-sanctioned center in the network. The damages would represent 2,900,000 euros. Nobel Santé+ did not respond to our requests. A specialized jurisdiction of the Paris court took up the case.