Two unions had announced the suspension of their participation, in support of the call for a strike by private hospitals and clinics.
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Postponed. Health Insurance announced, Thursday, April 4, the postponement of the price negotiation session with the unions of private doctors scheduled for the next day, after the announcement of two of them to suspend their participation. Thomas Fatôme, Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam), “deplores the delay in the conclusion of the conventional negotiations”adds the press release.
Two unions of liberal doctors, Avenir Spé Le Bloc and the UFML-S, announced during the night from Wednesday to Thursday that they were suspending their participation in price negotiations with Health Insurance, in support of private hospitalization which denounces the weakness of the price increase granted for 2024. The two unions called on private doctors to join the call for a strike by private hospitals and clinics from June 3.
“The government’s decision to increase funding for private for-profit clinics and hospitals by 0.3%” – while public hospitals will benefit from an increase of 4.3% – “is unacceptable for private specialist doctors who practice in these structures”reacted the Avenir Spé Le Bloc union, the first among specialist doctors. “Each doctor must understand that it is liberal medicine that is under attack, threatened in its very existence, through the orchestrated destabilization of private hospitalization”indicated for its part the union of general practitioners UFML-S.