Health: in La Manche, a small town deprived of doctors due to Covid-19



Article written by

France 3 Normandie, P. Comte, M. Saint-Jours, B. Odolant – France 3

France Televisions

Better not to fall ill this week in Barneville-Carteret, in the Cotentin. More than 5,000 residents have been deprived of their doctors, who tested positive for Covid-19.

In Barneville-Carteret (Handle), the medical practice has been closed since Monday 6 December, and until Sunday 12 inclusive, due to sick doctors from Covid-19. Nearly 5,000 patients are deprived of care. “It’s not reassuring, because I still had a lot of little worries, (…) and if there is no one here to take care of me, I might as well go and live in town”, confides a resident. Of the three general practitioners, two are positive for Covid-19, and the third is contact case.

It is the nurses who provide the minimum service for the health center. “Usually we call our general practitioners (…) when there are small emergencies, (…) suddenly we have to refer them to the emergency room, since we have no doctor to deal with currently”, explains Sophie Morin, liberal nurse at the health center. For the mayor (SE) de Barneville-Carteret, David Legouet, this situation illustrates the difficulty of attracting doctors to its territory. “We can see that when you lack a doctor, the slightest problem generates difficult consequences”, he adds.

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