Health: in Brest, a new concept of immediate care medical center is being developed


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

J. Lebot, C. Polet, R. Gurgand, J. Abgrall – France 3

France Televisions

In Brest, a new medical practice takes care of minor everyday injuries to avoid overcrowding the emergency services. A first in the region.

A sprain, a wound or a blow? A new kind of medical center has opened in Brest (Finistère). It allows to treat non-vital emergencies. Manon came spontaneously for an ankle trauma. Head to the radio. The brand new equipment is financed by the four professionals of the firm themselves, two doctors and two nurses who practice in private practice.

14 centers already exist

We have enough to do immobilizations with casts, splints, stitches, X-rays, blood tests”explains Sophie Branthomeliberal doctor. The consultations are done without an appointment, the office is not intended to have its patients. This concept of GISCMedical center for immediate care, born in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle)is developing in France. 14 centers exist today.

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