Health deterioration also continues in Gard and Lozère

Faced with the deterioration of the health situation in Occitania “priority to the protection of the most fragile people with a booster dose of indicates“indicates in its bulletin of Tuesday, November 23 the ARS before adding” To slow down the circulation of the virus, let us reinforce all our barrier gestures. “There are on average 1657 positive cases of Covid every day in the region.

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In the Gard the incidence rate is increasing: 166 per 100,000 inhabitants. Regarding hospitalizations, we go from 59 to 62 since Friday, i.e. 3 more people hospitalized, and 13 to 15 patients in intensive care (+2). In Lozere the incidence rate is de 170 per 100,000 inhabitants, We count 14 people in hospital compared to 11 four days ago (+3) and one more person intensive care passing 1 to 2.

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