Health: beware of tiger mosquitoes and dengue fever, which is proliferating in France




Article written by

N. Boubetra, France 3 Regions, A. Brodin – France 3

France Televisions

As autumn approaches, the tiger mosquito continues to poison the lives of many French people, Saturday September 17. Dengue cases are increasing, including in departments so far spared.

They sting, itch and can turn our daily lives into hell. This is the tiger mosquito. “It is true that there are many, many, many”comments a man. “We couldn’t have dinner once on the terrace”laments a woman. This insect certainly represents a nuisance, but also a danger because its bites are responsible for diseases, such as dengue fever.

Flu-like symptoms such as fever, muscle and joint pain or fatigue can lead to hospitalizations. “There is no human-to-human transmission, so a patient who has dengue is not at risk of transmitting it to another person. On the other hand, the transmission is done by mosquito bite so the infected person. If it is bitten, the mosquito will become contaminating by another person”warns Professor Michel Carles, head of the Nice CHU infectious diseases department (Alpes-Maritimes).

Prevention is therefore essential. For example, it is necessary to avoid stagnant water, which attracts mosquitoes.

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