Since January 1, nearly 1,700 imported cases have been recorded, compared to 131 in 2023 over the same period, according to the Director General of Health.
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It’s a “unprecedented situation” in the face of which vigilance must be redoubled, warn the health authorities. A record number of imported cases of dengue fever have been recorded in France since the start of the year. “Since January 1, 2024, 1 679 cases of dengue fever were imported into mainland France, compared to 131 in 2023 over the same period.announced Tuesday April 23 the Director General of Health, Grégory Emery, during a press conference.
These imported cases concern people who have traveled to regions where this virus transmitted by tiger mosquitoes is endemic. This is particularly the case in the French West Indies. “What we are observing in France is a mirror of what is happening in the Antilles, and more broadly in the Latin America and Caribbean region”where dengue fever has been circulating since the beginning of the year “at levels never before reached”notes the Director General of Public Health France, Caroline Semaille.
Call for vigilance before the Games
Since mid-2023, the majority of dengue cases imported into France have been people returning from the French West Indies, she said. As “the significant number of imported cases could lead to the establishment in France of indigenous chains of transmission”, Judge Director General of Health. The latter invites “be vigilant and adopt the right actions to limit the proliferation of the tiger mosquito”for example by eliminating stagnant water and avoiding bites.
Prevention messages “all the more important as in the coming weeks, France will host an important, happy and positive event: the Olympic and Paralympic Games, where many travelers will come to the metropolitan territory”, warned Grégory Emery. The event, which will encourage the mixing of populations, will be held at the height of the tiger mosquito season.